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Author Archives: Curtis Nebel
As of this morning the golf course is looking good for allowing Golf Carts out. We will continue to monitor the forecast but as of this morning we are still planning on having Fun Night. As it is NOT for points and with the iffy weather, if your team chooses not to play, please reach out to me and let me know.
FUN NIGHT Optional $ Game
On 6/18/2024 Fun Night will not count towards points for the league standings. However there will be an optional $20 team fee. Depending on the amount of teams per division will determine the amount of payouts but with minimal teams (8) looking at paying out top two gross and top two net scores per division (Zinc/Copper). Again will fluctuate depending on interest.
The full roster can show up, however no more than 6 players can play a hole. A team must designate which 6 players are playing the hole at the Tee. Handicaps for team and how to calculate them will be on scorecards tomorrow.
We are monitoring the weather if the course does not allow carts Fun Night will be cancelled.
More to come.
FUN NIGHT 6/18/24
Each team can play up to 6 members per hole. More information to come.
6/25 (Copper) and 7/2 (Zinc) playing 8 off the tee FRONT 9 ONLY.
6/4/24- We are playing
It’s going to be a windy evening, but the course and league are ready to go. Bring your one irons. A reminder on an evening such as this, 3-minute rule to look for balls, and ready golf. Any concerns reach out to me.
Fun night reminder for June 18th, not for points.
Two teams looking for subs
Two teams looking for subs, it’s a beautiful night to sub. Please contact me at 406-750-9458 if you would like to sub.
Any players looking to be added to a sub list please let me know.
Friendly reminder, failure to pay green/cart fees may result in ZERO points for player who does not pay. All members who have a season pass and/or cart pass please sign in on sign in sheet and include your team’s name. Non season pass and/or cart pass please pay clubhouse and inform them which team you play for.
The course has burgers and dogs available as well.
Any questions please reach out to me or Jeff with the course.
Curtis Nebel
5/14/24 Team looking for Sub
Pit Stop Haks are looking for a sub tonight, let me know if you are able to sub.
A reminder 5:45 starting time and week 5 schedule. Will discuss possibility of adding a week or two into August with team captains to make up the previous weeks.
5/7/2024 Leagues Cancelled
Mother Nature got us again today, leagues are cancelled. See you all next week 5/14/2024, league play to start 5:45 here on out.
4/30/24 Leagues Cancelled
Please spread the word.
Per consensus as 25+ teams did not want to play tonight and per rule established years ago.
“We will not play if the temperature is less than 52, and more importantly if the winds are 15 mph or stronger with temperatures 52 or less. If the wind is less than 15 mph, a slight breeze, we will play.”
As I said I am not looking at changing any rules this first year and apologize for misremembering rule that was established for play in week one. Questions/concerns please reach out.
For winners of the closest to the pins, I do have an ongoing list so if you have not received your sleeve of balls I do have your name on a list and will get those to you.
See you all next week, reminder 5:30 start time next week still.